Check out and download the complete program of the Night:
Art and Exhibitions
5 debates will gather philosophers around current issues, who will then engage with the public and answer their questions.
Check out the films that will be screened during the Night, introduced by some of our guests.
Short Lectures
Who said philosophers can’t sum up their thoughts in 20 minutes? You’ll find here the lectures they have proposed for the Night.
Readings and performances
Writers and artists have their word to say in our Night’s debates. Check out here the readings and performances in the program.
Big Lectures
4 one-hour long lectures open to the public’s questions will deal with major issues for our future.
Prepared by one or two students, each Agora aims at creating a more intimate space of dialogue between a restricted public and some of our guests around a precise topic of the Night. Register for the agora of your choice at!
A program prepared by Anne Gléonec and Ondřej Švec