Category Archives: Program

Voices of Philosophers. From the French INA Archives

ImprimerScreened at the Malá Dvorana and at the Studio Hrdinů

  • Derrida : on the Train back from Prague (1982), 7:30-7:37 PM/11:00-11:07 PM. Derrida explains how he was detained while going back to France from Prague.
  • Right to Hope or Right to Lose Hope? (1977), 7:38-7:58 PM/11:08-11:28 PM. With Michel Foucault, Maurice Clavel, Christian Jambet and André Glucksmann. About the giving up of Marxism by French intellectuals after the 1956 events in Hungary.
  • In Solidarity with Solidarity (1982), 7:59-8:09 PM/11:29-11:39 PM. With Michel Foucault and Simone Signoret. About the Polish trade union Solidarity.
  • The Cellar Stairs can only be Walked Down (1961), 8:10-8:20 PM/11:40-11:50 PM. With Gaston Bachelard. A portrait of this philosopher.
  • Patočka’s Last Stance (1977), 8:21-8:25 PM/11:51-11:55 PM. With Jan Patočka and Jiří Hájek. About repression against Charter 77 signatories.

A debate around Homecare (2015) by Slávek Horák

A. Mihulová a E. Matalová
A. Mihulová a E. Matalová

The Night of Philosophy is proud to host a very special debate between film director Slávek Horák and philosopher Jaromír Matějek around the 2015 feature film Homecare, Czech submission for 2015 Academy Awards.

They will discuss about ethics, care and compassion.

The debate will follow a screening of an extract of the film!

When: 23:15-00:15 AM
Where: Faculty of Arts, room 300

Monika Rogowska- Stangret

Monika Rogowska-Stangret is a theorist and researcher in the fields of philosophy, gender studies and animal studies. She collaborates with the Institute of Philosophy, University of Warsaw. Monika received scholarships from the Kosciuszko Foundation, ERSTE Stiftung and WUS Austria (in the frames of PATTERNS Lectures programme) and from the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education. She is a Member of Management Committee of European network: “New Materialism: Networking European Scholarship on ‘How Matter Comes to Matter’”, European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST). She collaborates with “Przegląd Filozoficzno-Literacki,” has translated Naomi Wolf’s “The Beauty Myth” (2014) and works by, among others, Judith Butler, Elizabeth Grosz, and Susan Sontag. She is the author of “Ciało – poza Innością i Tożsamością. Trzy figury ciała w filozofii współczesnej” (2016), English title: “The Body – Beyond Otherness and Sameness. Three Figures of the Body in Contemporary Philosophy”).

Why Care about Bioethics?

Faculty of Arts – Kinosál (room 429)

L’Intrus by Claire Denis (2004)
Who: Petr Kouba
What: Screening and Introduction
When: 7-9:30 PM
Language: French with Czech subtitles

Faculty of Arts – room 300

The Ethics of Care
Who: Corine Pelluchon, Petr Urban
What: Debate
When: 9:15-10:30 PM
Language: English

Ethical Counseling. Solving Ethical Problems in Everyday Medecine
Who: Jaromír Matějek
What: Short Lecture
When: 10:45 PM
Language: English

Philosophy Meets Cinema: Homecare by Slávek Horák (2015, Czech submission for 2015 Academy Awards)
Who: Slávek Horák and Jaromír Matějek
What: Screening and Debate
When: 11:15 PM-00:15 AM
Language: Czech

Bio-Politics Today (1): Bio-Security

Faculty of Arts – room 300

Biologization and naturalization of “threats”
Who: Judith Revel
What: Short Lecture
When: 7 PM
Language: English

Live to Let Die: from Multitude to Pogrom Crowd in Capitalist Post-Modernization
Who: Michał Kozłowski
What: Short Lecture
When: 8 PM
Language: English

Security and/or Rights and Liberties?
Who: Ivan Buraj
What: Short Lecture
When: 8:30 PM
Language: Slovak

Fair Trade Palace – Studio Hridnů

War and Violence
Who: Pavel Barša, Étienne Fassin, Judith Revel, Jan Sokol and Carole Widmaeir
What: Debate
When: 8:30-9:45 PM
Language: Czech and French, with simultaneous translation

From Non-Politics to Bio-Politics
Who: Roberto Esposito
What: Big Lecture
When: 10-11 PM
Language: French

Producing Commonship: A New Internal Enemy?
Who: Antonio Negri
What: Big Lecture
When: 11:15 PM-0h15 AM
Language: French, with simultaneous translation in Czech

Faculty of Arts – Kinosál (room 429)

Détruire, dit-elle by Marguerite Duras
Who: Benedetta Zaccarello
What: Screening and Commentary
When: 0:45-2:45 AM
Language: French, with English subtitles; commentary in English

Short Lectures

The Trade Fair Palace – Auditorium

Taking Animals Seriously: What Does It Change for Ethics and Politics?
Who: Corine Pelluchon
When: 7 PM
Language: English

Joint attention as the key to the difference between man and other animals ?
Who: Petr Urban
When: 7:30 PM
Language: Czech

Is Life Superficial? The Evolution of the External Aspect of Organisms 
Who: Karel Kleisner
When: 8 PM
Language: Czech

Embodiment and Forms of Political Emancipation
Who: Ádám Takács
When: 10:15 PM
Language: English

From Defense to Tolerance and Beyond: A History and Analysis of Political Patterns in Immunology
Who: Arnaud François
When: 10:45 PM
Language: English

Society As an Organism: the Power of a Theoretical Metaphor
Who: Jan Maršálek
When: 11:15 PM
Language: Czech

Is There Life after Work? A Brief Enquiry into Postcapitalist Imaginaries
Who: Jan Sowa
When: 11:45 PM
Language: English

Journey Into the Wonderland
Who: Silvia Gáliková
When: 0:30 AM
Language: English


Faculty of Arts – Aula

What’s a Cliché? Meditation on How We Appropriate Scientific Discourses
Who: Carole Widmaier
When: 0:15 AM
Language: French with simultaneous Czech translation

Power or Powerlessness of Images? (Deleuze, Rancière)
Who: Pierre Montebello
When: 0:45 AM
Language: French with simultaneous Czech translation

Image as an Effect of Superimpression
Who: Miroslav Marcelli
When: 1:15 AM
Language: Slovak

Figures and Variations of Sublime (Louis Marin)
Who: Veronika Darida
When: 1:45 AM
Language: English

The Artist’s Blindness. The Power of Art: Derrida against Lyotard and Henry
Who: Monika Murawska
When: 2:15 AM
Language: English

Faculty of Arts – room 104

From Environmentalism to Ecology
Who: Fabrice Flipo
When: 8:15 PM
Language: English

Nature and Environment: New Political Trends and New Imaginaries
Who: Amy Dahan
When: 8:45 PM
Language: English

Faculty of Arts – room 200

Human Enhancement: A Deadly Ambition
Who: Jean-Michel Besnier
When: 7 PM
Language: French with simultaneous Czech translation

Humanism, Post-Humanism, Trans-Humanism
Who: Emil Višňovský
When: 7:30 PM
Language: Slovak

The Improved Body
Who: Claire Marin
When: 8 PM
Language: French with simultaneous Czech translation

Language Otherwise: Deafness as a Philosophical Problem
Who: Josef Fulka
When: 8:30 PM
Language: Czech

The End of the Human World: Paving the Post-Anthropocentric Discourse
Who: Pierre Montebello
When: 9:15 PM
Language: French with simultaneous translation in Czech

The End of the World Today
Who: Michael Foessel
When: 9:45 PM
Language: French with simultaneous translation in Czech

The Human Existence in the 21st Century
Who: Csaba Olay
When: 10:15 PM
Language: English

Man Beyond Mankind: The Myth of the Mutant in Contemporary Philosophies
Who: Benedetta Zaccarello
When: 10:45 PM
Language: English

On Walter Benjamin’s Sentence: “There Is No Time to Fall”
Who: Andrzej Leder
When: 11:15 PM
Language: English

Faculty of Arts – room 217

Performing Race. On the Representation and Under-Representation of Minorities
Who: Éric Fassin
When: 7 PM
Language: English

The Ends of Multiculturalism
Who: Pavel Barša
When: 7:30 PM
Language: Czech

In Search for Ethics in Times of Crises. The Attitudes towards Others and Selves
Who: Monika Rogowska-Stangret
When: 8 PM
Language: English

The Refugee and the Bare Life
Who: Jan Bierhanzl
When: 8:30 PM
Language: Czech

Bio-Politics and Class Politics
Who: Tamás Gáspár Miklós
When: 9 PM
Language: English

Theory Outside Practice: Czech Avant-Guard and Political Caricatures
Who: Tomáš Winter
When: 9:45 PM
Language: Czech

The Foreigner As a Need
Who: Petr Kouba
When: 10:15 PM
Language: Czech

Eternal Nations
Who: Michał Łuczewski
When: 10:45 PM
Language: English

Faculty of Arts – room 300

Biologization and Naturalization of “Threats”
Who: Judith Revel
When: 7 PM
Language: English

Live to Let Die: from Multitude to Pogrom Crowd in Capitalist Post-Modernization
Who: Michał Kozłowski
When: 8 PM
Language: English

Security and/or Rights and Liberties?
Who: Ivan Buraj
When: 8:30 PM
Language: Slovak

Ethical Counseling. Solving Ethical Problems in Everyday Medecine
Who: Jaromír Matějek
When: 10:45 PM
Language: Czech


The Night’s Art and Exhibitions at the Trade Fair Palace

Circle of Animals / Zodiac Heads by Ai Weiwei (2010)

The famous art work of Ai Weiwei will be introduced once in Czech, once in English, by Michaela Pejčochová, curator of the Chinese collection at the National Gallery in Prague
When: 7:45 PM and 9 PM
Where: in front of the Trade Fair Palace
Languages: English and Czech

Human Mask by Pierre Huygue (2014)

Video art by French artist Pierre Huygue. The video will play all through the Night.
Two screenings will be introduced by Adam Budak, the chief curator of the National Gallery in Prague
When: 9:30 PM and 11:45 PM
Where: Moving Image Department, ground floor of the Trade Fair Palace
Language: English

The Slavic Epic / Slovanská Epopej by Alfons Mucha (1910-1928)

The famous cycle will be commented by a few of our guests. Upon registration only at Registration available by 1 June 2016. With the support of the Prague City Gallery.
When: 8 PM (Talking around the Apotheosis, Guided tour of The Slav Epic by Jiří Přibáň)
9 and 10 PM (Guided tour of The Slav Epic by Lenka Bydžovská)
Where: Velká Dvorana
Language: Czech


Register for the agora of your choice by 15 June at!

The Trade Fair Palace – Korzo

Freedom and Ethics of Life Around Jan Sokol

Prepared by: Jan Vašíček (Arcibiskupské Gymnázium, Prague) and Matěj Král (Gymnázium na Vítězné pláni, Praha)
When: 7-8 PM
Language: Czech

Violence and Civility. Around Étienne Balibar

Prepared by: Richard Cisler (Praxis, FF UK) and Josef Matoušek (FHS UK)
When: 11:15-0:15 AM
Language: English

Bios and Politikos. Around Judith Revel

Prepared by: Nicolas Garrera (FHS UK), Jan Lockenbauer (FH UK ) and Philippe Charlebois (FHS UK)
When: 0:15-1:15 AM
Language: French

Faculty of Arts – History Cabinet

The Philosopher and the Filmmaker: Sharing Views. Around David Lengyel

Prepared by: Hanna Trindade (FHS UK)
When: 8:30-9:30 PM
Language: French

Can women still save us? Around Michał Kozłowski

Prepared by: Benjamin Kaiser a Alexander Berg (FHS UK)
When: 10:15 PM-11:15 AM
Language: English

Politics and Manifestation. Around Étienne Tassin

Prepared by: Catarina di Fazio (FHS UK)
When: 0:30-1:30 AM
Language: French


Readings and Performances

The Trade Fair Palace – Malá Dvorana

Thonet Chair, Right Angle and Wittgenstein. A text written and read by Sylva Fischerová. 10:15-10:45 PM (CZ).

Distorted history, stolen images and faked memory. A text written and performed by Petr Koťátko, with actor Vojtěch Vondráček. 11-11:30 PM (CZ).

Camera Lucida. Notes on Photography by Roland Barthes  A text translated and read by Josef Fulka. 11:45PM-0:15 AM (CZ).

The Paths of Image, the Paths of Blood: Art as a Mystery of HumanityA lecture written and performed by Josef Vojvodík. 0:30-1:15 AM (CZ).

Asphyxiating Culture by Jean Dubuffet. A text read by Jan Bierhanzl and performed by Max Máslo. 1:30-2:15 AM (CZ).


Films and Art Video Screenings

Screenings with introductions and commentaries by our guests

The Trade Fair Palace

  • War at Distance. Tribute to Harun Farocki. Malá Dvorana, 9:15-10 PM (ENG)
  • The Human Mask, Pierre Huyghes (2014) – introduced by Adam Budak (9:30 and 11:45 PM). Moving Image Department, all night long (ENG)
  • Cinema and Eschatology – Images of Apocalypse in contemporary films and TV shows, commented by Michael Foessel. Studio Hrdinů, 1:45-2:45 AM (ENG)

Faculty of Arts

  • The ABC of Gilles Deleuze C like Culture and R like Resistance (1988-1989)  introduced by Pierre Montebello. Aula, 10:45 PM-0:00 AM (CZ/FR)
  • Homecare by Slávek Horák (2015, Czech submission for 2015 Academy Awards) – screening followed by a debate between director Slávek Horák and Jaromír Matějek. Room 300, 11:15 PM-00:15 AM (CZ)
  • Political Ecology in Action – commented by Fabrice Flipo. Room 104, 11:30 PM-00:15 AM (EN)
  • Case for a Rookie Hangman by Pavel Juráček (1969) – introduced by Jan Bierhanzl. Room 217, 11:30 PM-1:30 AM (CZ)
  • The Wound by Nicolas Klotz (2004) – introduced by Étienne Tassin. Room 200, 11:45 PM-3 AM (CZ/FR)
  • The Intruder by Claire Denis (2004) – introduced by Petr Kouba. Kinosál (room 429), 7-9:30 PM (CZ/FR)
  • The Werckmeister Harmonies, Béla Tarr (2000) – introduced by David Lengyel. Kinosál (room 429), 10 PM-0:30 AM (EN)
  • Détruire, dit-elle by Marguerite Duras (1969) – introduced by Benedetta Zaccarello. Kinosál (room 429), 0:45-3 AM (FR/EN)

Other screenings

The Trade Fair Palace

  • Voices of PhilosophersVideo-Archives. Including: Derrida – On the Train Back From Prague in 1982; Jan Patočka’s Last Stance (1977).  Two screenings: Malá Dvorana, 7:30-8:30 PM and Studio Hrdinů, 11:00 PM-0:00 AM (FR/CZ)
  • Serious Games. Tribute to Harun Farocki. Malá Dvorana, 2:15-2:45 AM (EN)

Faculty of Arts

  • War at Distance. Tribute to Harun Farocki. Room 300, 7-8 PM (ENG)

Big Lectures

Human-Nature Relationship and the Crisis of Modern Culture

A lecture by Bernard Feltz

Where & When: Faculty of Arts – room 104, 7-8 PM
Language: English


Producing Commonship: A New Internal Enemy?

A lecture by Antonio Negri

Where & When: The Trade Fair Palace – Studio Hrdinů, 11 PM-0:00 AM
Language: French, with simultaneous translation in Czech

Symbols in Art and Politics: On Structural Irritation between Esthetical and Political Communication

A lecture by Jiří Přibáň

Where & When: Faculty of Arts – room 104, 10-11 PM
Language: Czech


The Philosophy of the Migrant Condition

A lecture by Étienne Tassin and Étienne Balibar

Where & When: Faculty of Arts – Aula, 9:15-10:15 PM
Language: French, with simultaneous translation in Czech

Nature and Life

Faculty of Arts – room 104

Human-Nature Relationship and the Crisis of Modern Culture
Who: Bernard Feltz
What: Big Lecture
When: 7-8 PM
Language: English

From Environmentalism to Ecology
Who: Fabrice Flipo
What: Short Lecture
When: 8:15 PM
Language: English

Nature and Environment: New Political Trends and New Imaginaries
Who: Amy Dahan
What: Short Lecture
When: 8:45 PM
Language: English

Trade Fair Palace – Korzo

Bios and Politikos
Who: Judith Revel
What: Agora
When: 0:15-1:15 AM
Language: French


Bio-Politics Today (2): Race, Gender, Identity, Populations

Faculty of Arts – Aula

Bio-Politics and their Diversity
Who: Étienne Balibar, Roberto Esposito and Antonio Negri
What: Debate
When: 7-8:15 PM
Language: French, with simultaneous translation in Czech

The Philosophy of the Migrant Condition
Who: Étienne Tassin and Étienne Balibar
What: Big Lecture
When: 8:30-9:30 PM
Language: French, with simultaneous translation in Czech

Faculty of Arts – room 217

Performing Race. On the Representation and Under-Representation of Minorities
Who: Éric Fassin
What: Short Lecture
When: 7 PM
Language: English

The Ends of Multiculturalism
Who: Pavel Barša
What: Short Lecture
When: 7:30 PM
Language: Czech

In search for ethics in times of crises. The attitudes towards others and selves
Who: Monika Rogowska-Stangret
What: Short Lecture
When: 8 PM
Language: English

The Refugee and the Bare Life
Who: Jan Bierhanzl
What: Short Lecture
When: 8:30 PM
Language: Czech

Bio-Politics and Class Politics
Who: Tamás Gáspár Miklós
What: Short Lecture
When: 9 PM
Language: English

The Foreigner As a Need
Who: Petr Kouba
What: Short Lecture
When: 10:15 PM
Language: Czech

Eternal Nations
Who: Michał Łuczewski
What: Short Lecture
When: 10:45 PM
Language: English


Immunity, Parasites and Organism: Body Metaphors in Politics

Trade Fair Palace  – Auditorium

Embodiment and Forms of Political Emancipation
Who: Ádám Takács
What: Short Lecture
When: 10 PM
Language: English

From Defense to Tolerance and Beyond: A History and Analysis of Political Patterns in Immunology
Who: Arnaud François
What: Short Lecture
When: 10:30 PM
Language: English

Society As an Organism: the Power of a Metaphor
Who: Jan Maršálek
What: Short Lecture
When: 11 PM
Language: Czech

Is There Life after Work? A Brief Enquiry into Postcapitalist Imaginaries
Who: Jan Sowa
What: Short Lecture
When: 11:30 PM
Language: English

Human Enhancement

Faculty of Arts – room 200

Language Otherwise: Deafness as a Philosophical Problem
Who: Josef Fulka
What: Short Lecture
When: 9:15 PM
Language: Czech

Humanism, Post-Humanism, Trans-Humanism
Who: Emil Višňovský
What: Short Lecture
When: 9:45 PM
Language: Slovak

The Improved Body
Who: Claire Marin
What: Short Lecture
When: 10:15 PM
Language: French with simultaneous Czech translation

Human Enhancement: A Deadly Ambition
Who: Jean-Michel Besnier
What: Short Lecture
When: 10:45 PM
Language: French with simultaneous Czech translation

Trade Fair Palace – Studio Hridnů

Should Humans Be Enhanced?
Who: Jean-Michel Besnier, Emil Višňovský and Jan Hubík
What: Debate
When: 00:30-1:45 AM
Language: Czech and French, with simultaneous translation