Category Archives: Nature & Life

Karel Kleisner

kleisnerInterested in evolution and ecology of organisms’ external appearances, theoretical morphology, biosemiotics, and cross-cultural and cross-species perception. There is a simple question behind all that: How it is come about that organisms evolved opaque patterned surfaces and for what reasons different organisms look as they look?  His theoretical and empirical research focuses on a broad span of phenomena from cross-cultural perception of human faces to ecology of ultraviolet patterns on butterfly wings. His papers regularly appear within standard international scientific journals, book series, and other scientific media

Fabrice Flipo

flipoFabrice Flipo investigates the field of political ecology, on which he has published many books and articles, such as his last two opus, Les Enjeux d’une philosophie politique écologiste (The Stakes of a Political Ecologist Philosophy, 2014) and Nature et politique. Contribution à une anthropologie de la modernité et de la globalisation (Nature & Politics. Contribution to an Anthropology of Modernity and Globalization, 2014). He spent a year in Delhi for the purpose of his work. He is also renowned for his 2010 book with D. Bayon and F. Schneider on ‘Degrowth’ ( La décroissance – 10 questions pour comprendre et en débattre), which has been translated in Italian and Portuguese. He teaches at Telecom Business School in Paris.



Listen to some of his interviews in French on France Culture Radio.

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Bernard Feltz


Trained both as a biologist and a philosopher, Bernard Feltz’s work engages with contemporary debates both within the philosophy of science—reductionism, evolution theory, Darwinism or self-organization (see his 2006 Self-organization and emergence in life sciences) and with the question of environment (sustainable development, or the relationship between man and nature). On these topics, he is the author of several books and articles in French and English, among which La Science et le vivant. Philosophie des sciences et modernité critique (Science and Life. Philosophy of Sciences and Critical Modernity, 2014) and with Stéphane Leyens, La Nature en éclats. Cinq controverses philosophiques (Shattered Nature. Five Philosophical Controversies, 2015). He currently teaches at the Louvain-la-Neuve University in Belgium (UCLouvain), where he did head the Institut supérieur de philosophie.

Amy Dahan

Dahan2Trained as a mathematician, a philosopher and a historian, Amy Dahan is renowned for her work on climate change, which led her to be an important expert in France around the COP21. She published in 2015 with  Stefan Aykut, Gouverner le climat ? 20 ans de négociations climatiques (Ruling Over Climate? 20 Years of Climatic Negotiations). A researcher at Center Alexandre Koyre (CNRS), she has published many books and articles on the history of sciences in the 19th and 20th centuries, with special emphasis on determinist chaos. She is a member of the Ethics Committee of the French National Scientific Research Center, and of the scientific committee of the International Human Dimension Program on Global Environment Change.

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Nature and Life

Faculty of Arts – room 104

Human-Nature Relationship and the Crisis of Modern Culture
Who: Bernard Feltz
What: Big Lecture
When: 7-8 PM
Language: English

From Environmentalism to Ecology
Who: Fabrice Flipo
What: Short Lecture
When: 8:15 PM
Language: English

Nature and Environment: New Political Trends and New Imaginaries
Who: Amy Dahan
What: Short Lecture
When: 8:45 PM
Language: English

Trade Fair Palace – Korzo

Bios and Politikos
Who: Judith Revel
What: Agora
When: 0:15-1:15 AM
Language: French