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A Survival Kit for Your 1st Night of Philosophy

Tip no. 1: Make plans!

Download the programme of the Night of Philosophy in advance (here) and plan your night according to your interests. You can choose between political philosophy, bioethics, philosophical reflection of art, commented film screenings, “Power of Images”, “Animal” or “The End of Man & End of the World”. In the programme, each theme is marked by a different colour.

Tip no. 2. Enjoy both venues!

The Night of Philosophy takes place at the Faculty of Philosophy and the Trade Fair Palace. The journey between the venues takes 7 mins by tram. You don’t need to run around like crazy, but you also don’t have to worry about the transport after midnight: Prague Public Transit assured a direct tram line between the Philosophical Faculty and the Trade Fair Palace which departs every 15 mins!

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Anne Gléonec

0AnneAnne Gléonec is a doctor and professor agrégée of philosophy. After teaching for five years in France, she continued to pursue research and teaching activities in Prague at the CEFRES, the Faculty of Humanities of Charles University, and at the Institute of philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences. She devoted her Ph.D. dissertation to the analogy between the body and the political body, and wrote a book on Merleau-Ponty’s conceptions of Institution and Passivity, before focusing her philosophical research on the most contemporary links and transferences between natural and social sciences, specifically in the fields of bio-politics and bio-ethics.

Ondřej Švec

IMG_6900newOndřej Švec spent almost eight years of his youth in France, where he became passionate about philosophy, its application to everyday problems and its critical presence in public debates. From 2009 to 2015, he directed the Center for the Study of Language, Mind and Society at the University of Hradec Králové. His publications include a book about phenomenology of emotions and various articles about the problem of objectivity, the scientific explanation of reality and its link to the Lifeworld. He is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic.

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What is the Night of Philosophy?

The first edition of the Night of Philosophy in Prague – June 2016, 16/17th – will offer a round-the-clock series of 20-minute lectures and larger roundtable discussions presented by 55 leading international philosophers from France and the Visegrad Group, on the topic “Images, Sciences and Politics.” The night will be held in three different languages – Czech, English, and French – with simultaneous translations. It will take place in two locations, the large Fair Trade Palace of the Prague National Gallery and the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in Prague, where lectures, debates, exhibitions, performances, literature readings, and movies commented by artists and philosophers will run throughout the night, from 7pm until 3am.

This innovative and nocturnal happening gathers together philosophers and artists, and its ambition is to give the general public an original and interactive access to philosophy and to present the most contemporary social and political debates and their involvement in artistic creations. The first night of Philosophy was created in Paris in 2010, and since, has met with international success, as it successively took place in major cities of the world: London, New York, Buenos Aires, Tel-Aviv, Berlin, Athens, and now Prague, in the heart of Europe!