Michael Foessel

Foessel2A specialist of Kant and Ricoeur, Michael Foessel explores the relationship between the political and the private spheres and advocates for a balance between the mystery of the self and the openness of democracy. He is renowned for his 2013 Après la fin du mondeCritique de la raison apocalyptique (After the End of the World. Critique of the Apocalyptical Reason). In his last book, Le Temps de la consolation (The Time of Consolation, 2015), he reinvestigates the power of consolation at the origins of philosophy. A member of the board of French magazine Esprit, he is a regular contributor to French daily Libération and teaches at École Polytechnique.

Listen to him in French on France Culture Radio.

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Clara Royer (April 10, 2016). Michael Foessel. Night of Philosophy. Retrieved January 19, 2025 from https://doi.org/10.58079/sulu