Trained both as a biologist and a philosopher, Bernard Feltz’s work engages with contemporary debates both within the philosophy of science—reductionism, evolution theory, Darwinism or self-organization (see his 2006 Self-organization and emergence in life sciences) and with the question of environment (sustainable development, or the relationship between man and nature). On these topics, he is the author of several books and articles in French and English, among which La Science et le vivant. Philosophie des sciences et modernité critique (Science and Life. Philosophy of Sciences and Critical Modernity, 2014) and with Stéphane Leyens, La Nature en éclats. Cinq controverses philosophiques (Shattered Nature. Five Philosophical Controversies, 2015). He currently teaches at the Louvain-la-Neuve University in Belgium (UCLouvain), where he did head the Institut supérieur de philosophie.
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Clara Royer (April 10, 2016). Bernard Feltz. Night of Philosophy. Retrieved September 9, 2024 from