A Professor of philosophy at the Franche-Comté University (in Besançon), Corinne Pelluchon focuses on political philosophy and ethics. Her many publications encompass many topics, from medical ethics to the animal question (Eléments pour une éthique de la vulnérabilité. Les hommes, les animaux, la nature, 2011), and the philosophy of environment. She lately focused on the question of the body and life (Tu ne tueras point. Réflexions sur l’actualité de l’interdit du meurtre, 2013 and Les Nourritures. Philosophie du corps politique, 2015).
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Clara Royer (April 8, 2016). Corine Pelluchon. Night of Philosophy. Retrieved September 9, 2024 from https://doi.org/10.58079/sulc