Tip no. 1: Make plans!
Download the programme of the Night of Philosophy in advance (here) and plan your night according to your interests. You can choose between political philosophy, bioethics, philosophical reflection of art, commented film screenings, “Power of Images”, “Animal” or “The End of Man & End of the World”. In the programme, each theme is marked by a different colour.
Tip no. 2. Enjoy both venues!
The Night of Philosophy takes place at the Faculty of Philosophy and the Trade Fair Palace. The journey between the venues takes 7 mins by tram. You don’t need to run around like crazy, but you also don’t have to worry about the transport after midnight: Prague Public Transit assured a direct tram line between the Philosophical Faculty and the Trade Fair Palace which departs every 15 mins!
Tip no. 3: Ask!
Don’t hesitate to ask our volunteers. They will help you to get around at the venues and they will recommend the best of what’s on the programme according to your liking and interests. You’ll recognize them by their T-shirts with the 1st Night of Philosophy graphics.
Tip no. 4: Don’t panic!
If you don’t get in to a lecture or a discussion where the most famous guests take part, don’t get upset! Every half an hour at least ten parallel events begin. If the maximum capacity of any of the rooms is reached, try and discover what’s going on next doors. Our volunteers will be glad to recommend you an alternative choice from our rich programme.
Tip no. 5: Don’t be scared by the (FR/CZ) abbreviation!
The Night of Philosophy is an international event and will be held in three languages – Czech, French and English. The abbreviation (FR/CZ) signifies that the lectures held in French will be simultaneously interpreted into Czech and, the other way round, the Czech lectures will be interpreted into French so that everybody understands!
Tip no. 6: Give your headset back!
At the entrance to the Studio Hrdinu (Trade Fair Palace), Aula and the room no. 200 (FF UK) every one of you will get either a headset, or a card inscribed “Vstup bez sluchátek” (“Entry without headset”). When you will be leaving, our volunteers will collect the headsets and the cards. It is the fastest and simplest way to distribute and collect the headsets. Otherwise we would have had to have your signatures, ID cards or other identification.
Tip no. 7: Eat before!
At both venues, there is a possibility to get refreshment – Café Jedna at the Trade Fair Palace and Bistro Máta at FF UK. However, due to the expected number of visitors, you can expect long queues. So don’t let your stomach spoil the sheer pleasure of thinking through the contemporary philosophical, political, esthetical and ethical problems. Don’t forget to eat before or pack a snack.
Tip no. 8: Stay with us till dawn!
Many of the best lectures, commented screenings and passionate debates will be held only after midnight. There will be plenty of coffee, so you can let yourself get inspired by the association of the image of philosophers as nocturnal creatures and insomnia provoked by reflecting on the so-called last things of man. When the clock strikes 1 a.m., you’ll be rewarded: there will be a toast with red wine offered by the French institute!
OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
Ondrej Svec (June 15, 2016). A Survival Kit for Your 1st Night of Philosophy. Night of Philosophy. Retrieved September 9, 2024 from https://doi.org/10.58079/sumw